Mois : août 2013 (Page 2 of 6)

(via Summerhouse Lagnö | Tham & Videgård Arkitekter)

(via Vogue)

The outlook for workers who haven’t finished college is uncertain, but not devoid of hope. There will be job opportunities in middle-skill jobs, but not in the traditional blue-collar production and white-collar office jobs of the past. Rather, we expect to see growing employment among the ranks of the “new artisans”: licensed practical nurses and medical assistants; teachers, tutors and learning guides at all educational levels; kitchen designers, construction supervisors and skilled tradespeople of every variety; expert repair and support technicians; and the many people who offer personal training and assistance, like physical therapists, personal trainers, coaches and guides. These workers will adeptly combine technical skills with interpersonal interaction, flexibility and adaptability to offer services that are uniquely human.

« Kickstarter is open to entrepreneurs in the US, Canada and the UK, so it is broadening significantly with this expansion. Indeed, the addition of Australia and New Zealand might also help aspiring Kickstarters in Asia by providing a nearer location for them — to date, entrepreneurs in the region have been forced to relocate to Europe or the US in order to register their projects ». (via Crowdfunding platform Kickstarter is launching in Australia and New Zealand ‘soon’ – The Next Web)

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