Mois : mai 2012 (Page 2 of 10)

Surprise! Steve Jobs has said time and again that Apple is a company that sits at the cross-roads of design and technology. At its core, it has a bit of creative DNA (infused by music, mostly) that makes its products hum in a way companies like Google and Research in Motion can’t quite match. Obviously the guys in charge of the overall visual appearance of a product and how it communicates visually with consumers is a key role at Apple, and a highly valuable one.

« PNDs are Personal Navigation Devices. FUD is Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. It’s not really for me to say whether TomTom is good at manufacturing PNDs… but happily, it’s really not very good at creating FUD ». (via Système D)

« Why are they doing it? To systematically collect information on the operations of certain nation states in the Middle East, including Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Israel and so on. Here’s a map of the top 7 affected countries » (via The Flame: Questions and Answers – Securelist)

In spite of the strong wording, Sina already has an active rumor control team that polices its platform for ‘unsuitable’ content, so much of this is simply confirming practices that have been ongoing for some time. The process of censorship itself is now in black and white (albeit open to interpretation) and so too is the policy of removing persistent offenders. Weibo users start with 80 points, those whose accounts reach 0 can be deleted by Sina.

The attack, which doesn’t require an adversary to have any man-in-the-middle capability over the network, can be used to lace unencrypted Facebook and Twitter pages with code that causes victims to take unintended actions, such as post messages or follow new users. It can also be used to direct people to fraudulent banking websites and to inject fraudulent messages into chat sessions in some Windows Live Messenger apps.

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